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Mac OS X Shareware, Freeware, and Otherware Awards

Mac OS X Shareware, Freeware, and Otherware Awards

Bob "Dr. Mac" LeVitus is presenting a unique session for the first time at Macworld Expo and Conference 2003 in San Francisco. Entitled, "Dr. Mac Presents the 2002 OS X Shareware, Freeware, and Otherware Awards," he’ll...


Favorite Mac Books

Favorite Mac Books

I have been a voracious reader ever since I was a young boy. And everyone knew a book was a gift I’d treasure. While it’s not the first thing you might think of, a technical book makes a perfect gift for the Mac user, and there have...


Introductions To VPN’s Under Mac OS X

Introductions To VPN’s Under Mac OS X

Before 1995, there were few choices for VPN’s. If you wanted to access your corporate networks or home network remotely you had to dial in (remember, using that modem thingy) or you were somebody important and had a private line into the...


You and Your Mac’s Commitment to the Collective Success of National and Economic Security

You and Your Mac’s Commitment to the Collective Success of National and Economic Security

The new year is on us- time for resolutions! I was gratified by the response I received on my grandiose editorial of 7-7-02, "Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You, Ask What Your Mac Can Do For Your Country." Now, inspired by an...


Macworld Expo San Francisco Analysis – Rethinking the Desktop

Macworld Expo San Francisco Analysis – Rethinking the Desktop

Every viewpoint is based on assumptions. experience, and perspective. Since just about everyone has a different blend of these items, everyone will come to different conclusions about the MWSF 2003 Keynote. Especially, those involved with science...


The Next Killer App? – AquaMind’s NoteTaker

The Next Killer App? – AquaMind’s NoteTaker

I want to tell you about an extraordinary piece of software I have discovered. It’s not often that I write software reviews anymore because there’s not a lot I get excited about. In this case, however, I am excited, The software...


Macrimination “Manifesto”

Macrimination “Manifesto”

What is Macrimination? – Once upon a time, the Apple Macintosh was at the top of the personal computer heap. If you worked with Photoshop or digital music, you had to know what a Finder was and how to use it. If your computer work space...


The Digital Hub’s Missing Piece

The Digital Hub’s Missing Piece

The old Chinese curse goes: "May you live in interesting times." We must have angered someone somewhere pretty badly — the world is not exactly boring at the moment. Some may question what I’m doing writing the second installment...


With a little help from Intel?

With a little help from Intel?

Over the last couple of years, as PC processor speeds have surged upward and the speeds of Mac G4s have struggled to gain on them, Apple has spent a considerable amount of time trying to battle what it calls the Megahertz Myth. According to...


Al Gore’s Apple

Al Gore’s Apple

Former Vice President Al Gore has a lot to bring to Apple now that he has been elected to its board of directors, if you think about it. He’s a bit of an underdog, just like Apple, and he did create the Internet, right (wink, wink)? And...